The Replacement For The Hubble Space Telescope

The replacement for the Hubble is scheduled to launch in 2013.  The James Webb Space Telescope will have the ability to see further than Hubble and feature mirrors over 20 feet in diameter.  Its sunshield alone is bigger than a tennis court.  This new telescope will be situated about a…

Google Earth 5 and Related Items

Google Earth 5 is now in the wild.  My first impression after maybe 30-40 minutes of tinkering is thumbs up.  Overall it is now alot faster and feels as though the gui has been tweaked for speed.  Occasionally there is some slowness but I'm guessing that is a side effect…

Mount Redoubt Webcams

For those of you who haven't found them yet, here is a link to the Mount Redoubt observatory and its webcams.  The site was crashed earlier this week due to a flood of activity once it was announced an eruption is eminent.  The site is back up at least for…