Star Trek XI – The Reboot

This entire post is spoiler ridden.  Click thru to the next page to read it.
Well let me start off by saying that I went into this Star Trek movie without having read the spoilers or watched all the previews.  That was different for me.  I’m kind of glad I didn’t, it would have made the whole movie a lot less enjoyable if I had.  Effects and story execution were awesome.  This is the type of movie were you definately don’t want to miss a thing and its hard to pull your eyes off the screen.
The movie has some really great scenes.  Take the scene where Kirk gets in a bar fight.  Essentially several of the old school security guys tried to intimidate him with their numbers; to which he replied ” Why don’t y’all leave and come back with a few more guys so we’ll be even” and jumps into the fray.  They really nailed what I thought Kirk should be.
While I believe it was a great movie, I’m not sure about the alternative history paired with the reboot.  I’m not at all pleased that Vulcan is now destroyed and the entire future of the federation/humanity has changed, potentially.  Could Star Trek XII reboot this reboot much like Spock was reborn in Star Trek III?   I kept looking for the Trek style reboot at the end of the movie, but it never came.  Also did it seem as though they took the typical “Earth will be destroyed” storyline and twisted it off center just enough to make it interesting again?
While the outcome has irked me a bit, I still liked the movie.  It is quite possibly the second best Star Trek movie of all time.  I’m sorry, but nothing is EVER going to beat out Wrath of Khan.
My Ratings:

  • Execution – 5/5 stars
  • Visual Effects – 5/5 stars ( I can’t stress this.  This is a visually stunning movie.)
  • Audio – 4/5 stars
  • Storyline – 4/5 stars.  Sorry I just can’t get over the destruction of Vulcan.  Minus that, excellent story.
  • Acting – 5/5 stars.  Outstanding acting.

Has Star Trek been reborn? Oh yeah!


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