Networking Project Complete

I completed my network project about a week ago.  The object of this project was to create a wired extension of my network on the other end of the house without running wire (the most cost effective method).  I ended up using an ASUS WL-330gE Multi-functional Wireless AP to achieve success.  I already had a wireless router running so  attaching the WL-330eE was not a big deal.  I even lucked out and it supports passing through the wired connection while functioning in wireless repeater mode.  Before I go further, this method does have one big downside.  Every device on the extended network is limited to the bandwidth achieved by the single adapter.
Materials for Project:

  • 1 – Wireless network up and running.
  • 1 – Linksys EZXS55W EtherFast 10/100 5-Port Workgroup Switch
  • 1 – ASUS WL-330gE Multi- Functional Wireless AP – (AP, Ethernet Adapter, Gateway, Repeater 4 mode)
  • N – Patch cable for devices.


  1. Make sure your wireless network is enabled.
  2. Use the short bit of patch cable that came with the WL-330gE to connect it to the upstream port of the EZXS55W switch.
  3. Use another length of patch cable to connect a computer to one of the client ports on the switch.
  4. Navigate to url on the computer.  This will get you into the setup page of the WL-330gE.  Initially the menu is in Chinese, but this can be fixed by the drop down box in the upper right.
  5. Set the device into Repeater Mode and select the network you want to connect to.
  6. You’re done.  Now you have a wired network extension across a wifi connection.

For me this works excellent.  I don’t have to worry about the bandwidth limitations and now I have all my media devices connected at all times.


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