Creating Downloadable CSV (Or Any Other) Files In Browser With JavaScript

Many of us have wanted to create downloadable content straight from the browser.  I remember several years back where it was more difficult and the solutions were not clean.  Today, it is much much more simple and clean.  Enter Blob URLs.
In this example, I have an object of arrays.  These arrays may or may not all be the same length.  The csvify function accounts for this by letting the user optionally specify a default value and whether or not the pad at the beginning or at the end for arrays that aren’t the same size as the max.
It’s what comes after the csvify function that allows all this to work.  To make this csvified data downloadable, I first create a blob.  This blob contains the csv data and is created with the csv mime type.  I then create a url from that blob using createObjectURL and set that url as the href attribute on the download link.



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