June 15, 2011 Lightning

Tonight turned out to be one of the best nights I've had for lightning photography.  I was able to place my camera outside under the new awning over the deck and take a ton of photos.  Since this particular storm was so energetic, I was able to capture lightning in…

April 27, 2011 Storms

On April 27, 2011, much of the South was experienced an outbreak of tornadic thunderstorms.  CNN has compiled a list of possible tornado locations, you can find it here.  During the storms, Franklin County lost all power and cell phone coverage.  While Huntland took the brunt of the storm damage…

New Lightning Photo

I captured this photo during the storm tonight.  It has to be one of the most vivid and smooth I've taken to date.  I kinda wished the exposure had lasted at least another few seconds though.  Right after this photo completed, another bolt struck right were mid-frame would be. [singlepic…

Today's Storms

I snapped these pictures of the severe storms today.  We were under a tornado warning for a little while.  I don't know if one ever formed though. [nggallery id=11]