You're Too Close

Have you encountered the following scenario? You are trying to solve a problem (or helping solve a problem) and know or at least think you know the solution.  You are in the middle of implementing it when someone else looks at it and says, "why don't you do it this…

Node.js vs Python vs PyPy – A Simple Performance Comparison – Updated

Some History This is a followup to my original post: Node.js vs Python vs PyPy - A Simple Performance Comparison.  This article corrects a discrepancy caused by a slight difference in the JavaScript implementation which skewed the Node.js results. The Algorithm As stated in the previous article, I've attempted to…

Node.js vs Python vs PyPy – A Simple Performance Comparison

IMPORTANT NOTE: The NodeJS algorithm had a slight discrepancy in it.  See this article for a correction to the performance comparison section of this article. The Algorithm Yesterday, I decided to try translate my algorithm for calculating N-Queens to JavaScript.  I've implemented the same single-thread, brute force, recursive algorithm in…

First Impressions of Rust

Today I finished my first program written in Rust 0.10.  As with my article on Dart earlier this weekend I'm going to rely on Wikipedia for short intro for what Rust is. The goal of Rust is to be a good language for the creation of large client and server…

First Impressions of Dart

Today I finished my first Dart tutorial.  For those that don't know what Dart is, Wikipedia has a nice synopsis that I've included here. Dart is an open-source Webprogramming language developed by Google. It was unveiled at the GOTO conference in Aarhus, October 10–12, 2011.[4] The goal of Dart is…