2011 In Pictures

These are a sampling of pictures I have taken this year.  I selected them based on how representative they were of the month I took them in. January [nggallery id=47] This was the most snow I can remember.  6.5" to 7" total depending on where I measured.  Duke and Daisy…

April 27, 2011 Storms

On April 27, 2011, much of the South was experienced an outbreak of tornadic thunderstorms.  CNN has compiled a list of possible tornado locations, you can find it here.  During the storms, Franklin County lost all power and cell phone coverage.  While Huntland took the brunt of the storm damage…

Larry's Bar-B-Que Decherd, Tennessee

I went and took photos for Larry's Bar-B-Que in Decherd, Tennessee the this week.  I've created them a new Facebook fan page that can be found here.  Be sure to "Like" them on Facebook when you're there.  Here are the images, I took. [nggallery id=36] I also recreated their menu.…